Thursday, July 19, 2012

Decorated Altoid tin

Here is an Altoid tin decorated to put a Birthday gift inside.  A nice watch or jewelery peice would be
a perfect gift to put in a decorated tin.

Halloween Note Clip

Here is another re-purposed Note Clip from a mouse trap.  This is a Birthday gift for a dear friend who loves Halloween.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This was a challenge, I have never soldered before and for me its not as easy as it looks.  However I enjoyed doing it and had fun learning. I will do other pieces with the solder.


Some necklaces I made using wine corks.

Wine cork key rings.

Theses are fun and not hard to make.


I'm trying my hand at soldering

How fun..

This is my grandson's re-purposed note clip. What an excellent job.


Close up to show I removed the spring and clip.


Hey everyone, this past week end my grandson came over and he likes to make things so.... we took some mouse traps and turned them into memo clips. You know for the refrigerator.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I took a mouse trap, removed the spring and hook. I gave it some paint and some Christmas embellishment. I attached a magnet onto the backside and turned this mouse trap into a note holder.